Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Ever heard of EC?
L'HNI vous connaissez ?

My youngest one just got out of diapers during the night. It's so wonderful not to have any diapers to wash! And to celebrate, I have a little story to tell you.
When my little guy was 5 months old, he got a terrible rash. So terrible that he had to got without a diaper for several weeks. At this time I had already heard of diaper-free babies, I even found it quite interesting. I felt overwhelmed enough with two little kids at home and I couldn't make my mind whether to add anything to it and I did not really know where to start. But since we had to go diaper-free anyway, why not just do it! I bought Laurie Boucke's book and made the step.

Mon petit dernier vient juste d’être propre la nuit, quel plaisir de ne plus avoir de couches à laver ! Et pour célébrer ça, j'ai une petite histoire à vous raconter.
Lorsqu'il avait 5 mois, il a eu un affreux érythème fessier. Tellement affreux que pendant quelques semaines nous avons du nous passer complétement de couches. A cette époque, j'avais déjà entendu parler des bébés sans couches et je trouvais ça très intéressant, mais avec deux jeunes enfants à la maison, je ne me sentais pas le courage d'ajouter à ma charge, et puis, je ne savais pas vraiment comment commencer. Mais puisque nous devions justement nous passer de couches, pourquoi ne pas sauter le pas ! J'ai achete le livre de Laurie Boucke, et je me suis lancée.

I never looked back. It was indeed a little more work at the beginning, but it was so wonderful to see my not even 6-month old starting to use the potty! And let not even mention the ecological impact of such a move with so many diapers that didn't need to be washed or go to the landfill! Some go so far as not using any diaper, ever. When he was able to wear a diaper again, I decided to go part-time (I did not have the courage to keep a close watch on my two kids to clean things up...). I offered him to go to the potty every time he woke up and when I changed his diaper.

Je n'ai jamais fait marche arrière. C'est vrai que c'est un peu plus de travail au début, mais quel plaisir de voir son enfant de même pas 6 mois commencer à se servir du pot le plus naturellement du monde ! Et je ne parle même pas de l'aspect écologique avec les nombreuses couches sauvées de la poubelle ou de la machine à laver ! Certaines personnes en viennent à ne jamais utiliser de couches, pour notre part, nous avons décidé de faire du mixte (je ne me sentais absolument pas le courage de suivre mes deux enfants toute la journée pour nettoyer...). Je lui ai proposé d’éliminer au lever et à chaque changement de couche. 

2 years later he was out of diaper during the day and a few months later during naps and at night. More than a year earlier than his older brother! No drama, no poop that wants to go out only in the diaper, no bootcamp like I sometimes hear about: everything happened when he was ready. What we didn't expect is that this method also helped us discovering food sensitivities and allergies that we would otherwise have had a hard time finding. If I had a third child, I would definitively start right away after birth!

2 ans plus tard il était sans couche le jour, et quelques mois plus tard il l’était aussi la nuit. Une bonne année plus tôt que son grand frère, et ce sans heurt, à son rythme. Pas de traumatisme du pot, de caca qu'on ne veut laisser partir que dans la couche, ou d’entraînement intensif comme le voit parfois. Tout est arrivé naturellement en douceur lorsqu'il était prêt. Et puis cette méthode nous a permis de mettre le doigt sur des allergies/sensibilités alimentaires que nous aurions bien eu du mal à repérer autrement. Si j'avais un troisième enfant, je commencerais dès la naissance, sans hésiter une seule seconde !

Infant potty training comes from Africa and Asia. In these areas of the word, babies aren't in diapers and still they are fairly clean. Right after birth their mama learn to recognize signs they give when they need to go so that the baby won't get soiled. The mother makes a sound or a gesture every time the baby is going; Soon he/she learns to go every times he/she gets this sign and soon after learns how to tell his/her Mom that he/she needs to go to the potty. In these countries babies are potty-trained as early as 6 months of  age. So much earlier than 3 years old and often even more in our countries. If you want to learn more about Elimination Communication, please see here.
You can also join Yahoo groups, they are so useful:
- Elimination communication
- for late starters (for 6-month old babies and older)

L'hygiene naturelle infantile nous vient d'Afrique et d'Asie. Dans ces pays, les bébés ne portent pas de couche, et pourtant ils sont propres. Dès la naissance, les mamans apprennent à reconnaître les signes précédant les besoins d'élimination pour que le bébé ne se souille pas. La maman accompagne l’élimination d'un son ou d'un geste et c'est tout naturellement que le bébé apprend peu à peu à faire à chaque récurrence de ce son ou de ce geste et bientôt il apprend lui-aussi à communiquer ses besoins avec sa maman. Dans ces pays les bébés sont souvent propres jour et nuit dès 6 mois. On est bien loin des 3 ans et parfois bien plus de nos pays ! Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur le sujet, c'est ici.
Il existe aussi des groupes Yahoo très utiles. Si vous parlez anglais, je vous invite vivement à en faire partie :
- pour les retardataires (les bébés de 6 mois et plus)


Sasha Tsyupka said...

Awesome! I knew it's possible, just never came across anyone who did it :)
So how bad was the transition the first few weeks?

PurePixie said...

Thank you for your comment! :)
I had to clean a lot of mess the first two weeks but once he understood what the potty was meant for it became easier. He never gave me any sign (or I wasn't focused enough to get them) so I got used to use my watch and it worked pretty well. As far as I know the earlier in the life of the baby you start, the easier it is. 5 months was at the edge of the easy time.

Sasha Tsyupka said...

our son is just about to be 3 months young and I would love to try this system. Do you know any videos/movies that explain and show that? I'll look up on youtube i guess.
So the mess that you had to clean was on carpet and in crib or you are referring to something else?
Another thing, your son was sitting by himself already or you had to hold him when on potty

PurePixie said...

The mess was mostly on the floor (luckyly no carper). :)
I had to hold my son over the sink at the beginning but he was soon able to sit on the potty himself. Of course even when he was sitting, I was with him all the time talking or playing with him.
3 months is a great age to start.
I would advise you to get Laurie Boucke's book. It will give you all types of useful info.

Anonymous said...

Superbe histoire!! Nous avons beaucoup de choses à réapprendre, nous les occidentaux, sur les choses naturelles de la vie!!! Tout se fait tellement simplement lorsque l'on est en harmonie avec le corps et la nature.

Avoir un autre enfant, c'est sûr que j'essaierais! Je n'avait jamais entendu parler de cette approche. Bravo!!!!!

Sasha Tsyupka said...

Just tried the EC today and were able to go pee 5 times into a sink and half poop to a sink :)
Saved 4 diapers and a had lot of fun! :)
Thank you for writing about this.

Emmanuelle said...

We started practicing part time EC when my son was 3 weeks old. I would hold him above a prefold diaper because he didn't like the sink or potty. Now he's 2 yo and more able to communicate his needs. They grow so fast! :)

PurePixie said...

@Sasha and Veronika: that's awesome! Thanks for the update. You made my day!

@Anny: Merci ! :)

@CurlyMonkey: that's so funny! All that time and we never talked about it!
Yes, they grow so fast. I still can't believe that I have two preschoolers!

germandolls said...

Great article! I had never heard of this. Too bad my babies are all grown up. I always let them go diaper free in the summers though...

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